Sawyer Pete
Born August 2,
at 7:23pm
Weighing 6 lbs, 10
21 Inches
Sooooooo, This is how it went down!!!
Because my daughter Brinley came in such a hurry last time (20 minutes
after getting to the hospital with no epidural) the doctor decided baby they
would induce me, so as to have some control. I had never been induced
before and was a little nervous about it....ya know forcing my body to do
something it might not be ready for....but the idea of not going into labor in
the car on the way to the hospital was also attractive. So I was all set
to get induced at 5 am on the 2nd. Look , see I'm all ready to go to the

Jerry and I get there.....feeling anxious and nervous and
excited.....Well...I get bumped...turns out they had had like 12 births the
night before one of which had happened in the bathroom of the waiting room.
Sooooo... they sent me home...I was bummed....and yet still anxiously
waiting for the call that they said would come hopefully around lunch....I ate
lunch early...thinking MAYBE if I eat early that will pass the time and they
will CALL!!! they didn't call at 11, or 12...but at 1...BOOM there it
was!!! I was ready again! I got to the hospital...started the petosin at
1:30.....Got my epidural about an hour and a half later as I was starting to
feel my contractions...I LOVE ..It was a freaking walk in the
park after last time....Jerry and I watched TV and I got a
massage..."oops....was that a contraction?" I coudn't tell :)

Around 6 pm I was still only at a
4......Surprising to ME since my other babies came SO fast...but I had to
remind myself that I was going from nothing to baby...not already at a 4 (with
cohen) or 8 (with Brinley) when I reach the hospital...Then about a half hour
later I was feeling the pressure....It didn't hurt ...the epidural was doing
it's job....but I certainly felt the pressure...the nurse didn't seem to be too
alrmed by it since they had just checked me and I wasn't even she
finished what she was doing and checked me since the doc ran home for a sec.
(feeling he could do that based on where I was)....Well...when she checked me I
was at a 9...I started throwing up...not sure if it was my boyd responding to
petosin, or my brain recognizing my body was in distress even if I didnt..she
called him...he came in in his harley davidson t shirt....It made me
laugh...the nurses gowned and gloved him, you can tell he dropped everything
and got here.. ( side note...this is the first time we have ever had our ACTUAL
doctor deliver one of our babies) he checked me...i was at a 10 and he pulled
that baby out quick fast...

Jerry got to cut the chord (another thing
he hadn't been able to do with our other kids because of unforeseen
circumstances of the births) and he laid my sweet Sawyer Pete in my arms and I
felt an overwhelming flood of feelings.....Love, and completeness and light.
His little cry turned my insides to mush. Once he was put in my
arms he stopped crying. He is a cuddler I thought.
I looked at Jerry and he looked so proud and so vulnerable as if
his heart was beating outside his body. He is ours. Our gift.
When I was getting ready to have Brinley I remember being so
worried.....Feeling like it is impossible to love anyone more than I loved my
first baby....And then she came....and it WASNT the same....It was completely
different feelings unlocked....equally as overwhelming...but DIFFERENT.....With
Sawyer too....I knew I had the capacity to love fiercely but It has
surprised me each time the unexpected waves of DIFFERENT parts of my soul being
unlocked with each sweet baby that has been put in my arms. Anyway, after "The Moment" the nurse came in and said my parents were there with my kids and asked if we would like them to come in.
"I stand all amazed" that heavenly father has trusted me with these littles.
I was still shaky and the epidural had me
paralyzed....but there were a few more sweet moments to follow.
Sawyer Pete and Grandpa Pete :)
I had the choice
to stay 1 or 2 days...I stayed 2. I'm not a fool! lol. Sawyer
was cricumsized in the hospital....Jerry went in with him...I can never
watch that. Anyway 2 days later...
It was time to go home.
My parents took
Cohen and Brinley. They were heaven sent!!! Especially since I got
home the 4th and school started the 6th. It was a little crazy...I got my
kids off that first day (my choice)
but my parents
took care of EVERYTHING after that for a week.....they spent the night
with them in a time share and took them to school and picked them up every
day...they came by for little visits....but it was nice to have the time
to heal and bond with my new one.
Love you My Sawyer!