Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cohen and Brinley's SEPERATE trips to VA

Cohen and Brinley lucked out big time...My sister Jackie took a couple trips to VA in the spring and summer and my parents hadn 't seen the kids in awhile so they bought each of them a plane ticket.  Brinley went with Jackie in the "spring" (it was still freezing there...snow on the ground and what not. she was excited to see snow!) and Cohen in the summer.   They loved being with Grandma and grandpa!!!
Brinley's trip :

Brinley flew out with Jackie,
Had a great time....I didn't get any pics of my mom there. or the SNOW but I'm told it and she were there! She got very excited about it (especially coming off seeing FROZEN!). She came back with lots of stories of snow and dogs and getting to see horses and going out with Grandma and grandpa.

Jackie ended up renting a car and DRIVING back...yes from VA to AZ.  Day one, Brinley got struck with the FLU and puked all over the rental car.  Good Times.  Jackie got a crash course in parenting a 3 year old :)
But things seem to perk up along the way.

Cohen's trip:

Cohen got to go in the summer which of course it's green and beautiful there.  My parents set up a camp on the property for half the time and Cohen was in HEAVEN, as you can see!

My mom told me there was a brief scary moment when Cohen started running and ran over a cattle guard and his leg fell through the grate.  My mom thought for sure he broke his leg....but he didn't (whew! Close one)  .  

Anyway, It was a little hard to watch them get on a plane without me...I get a little morbid in the "what if" department of my brain.  Like really morbid, planning funerals and what not...haha ahh....It's bad.  But I'm so grateful they had such a good time and for my sisters willingness to travel and my parents willingness to pay and love them!!!!  

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