Defender of baby, cleaner of spit up, wiper of bum bums!!!!!! I am SUPER----well "NEW MOM"!!!!!!! (that's your cue to applaud)
Okay I'm not that super but I like to make super hero poses with my side kick Cohen.
Sooooooooooo none of these pictures are actually from Mothers Day....I had forgotten my camera which is too bad because we had an interesting situation with Cohen happen. We all went to church with my mother in law and she had a hawaiian lay around her neck....she was holding Cohen and he started rubbing his face on the flowers....he completely broke out into hives on the whole right side of his face and into his scalp. His eye swelled almost shut....he cried and was so so sad....he was just miserable all doesn't help that he likes to dig at his face....doesn't seem to matter how many times I cut this boys nails....he seems to manage to cut up his face we put socks on his hands to keep him from rubbin, then we put a wet cloth on his face while he was sleepin and he woke up a little better...still real fussy...heart breaking because you know he just doesn't understand. But it got way better once he left his face alone....he woke up the next morning...completely fine....not even a trace. So I'm not sure if it was just baby sensitive skin or a real allergic reaction to the flowers...but it made for an interesting evening.
I'm so greatful to be a mother. I'm so greatful to HAVE an amazing mother. She's a champion. She's got more energy and ambition than anyone I know. I'm am who I am today because she loves me.
Mom and Me
Cohen and Me
The Circle of Life